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tgse(随) Spring 2009 Jiangsu two level VFP examination questions First, the multiple-choice question 21. in the following statement, the error is. Each of the relationships in the A. relational database is a two-dimensional table B. in relational models, the objects and operations of the operations are both two-dimensional tables No data redundancy is allowed in the C. two-dimensional table D.Visual FoxPro is a relational database management system product Answer: C, which belongs to the first chapter. Among them, A and B, some students are not impressed, see the textbook P8 (eighth pages). As regards redundancy, it should be as small as possible, but not 0, in database design. 22. keyword is an important concept in relational model. When the primary key of a two-dimensional table (A table) is included in another two-dimensional table (B table), it is called the B table. A. main key, B., candidate key, C., external keyword, D., super keyword Answer: C, which belongs to the first chapter. See the book P9 for external keyword definitions. 23. in Visual FoxPro systems, the following return values are character type functions that are. A.VAL (), B.CHR (), C.DATETIME (), D.MESSAGEBOX () Answer: B, belonging to the second chapter. As for functions, we should master 5 points mainly in learning (especially when we are learning some new functions): 1) remember the function of a function by its name; 2) note the number of functions (expressions) that can be 0, 1, 2 or more, which arguments can be omitted and which ones should not be omitted; 3) understand the data types of each parameter in the function; 4) note the return value and data type of the function; 5) note the usual usage of functions. The question is fourth. What is the data type of the return value of the function?. For the function of learning, see the book in supporting materials in the commonly used functions.. 24. the default values for the database tables are stored in. In the B. database file in the A. proje


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