
ts16949品质管理五大工具有效运用(TS16949 quality management five tools effective use).doc

ts16949品质管理五大工具有效运用(TS16949 quality management five tools effective use).doc

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ts16949品质管理五大工具有效运用(TS16949 quality management five tools effective use)

ts16949品质管理五大工具有效运用(TS16949 quality management five tools effective use) TS16949 quality management five core tools, the effective use of advanced training courses Class hours: May 2011, 7, 8, 13, 14 and 15 (total 5 days) Lecture place: Shenzhen Institute of Tsinghua University: Mr. Teng Organizer: Shenzhen Hongye Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. The training object: Quality Engineer, production engineer, engineering and technical personnel, quality management personnel and production management personnel, technicians and administrators of instrument calibration, the automotive industry, the units responsible for the departments and individuals who are interested in ISO/TS16949 I. curriculum background: Since the international automotive task force (IATF) has special requirements to develop technical specifications and relevant service part organizations to implement the production of ISO9001:2000 ISO/TS16949:2002 in the automotive industry, Chinese automotive OEMs have recommended its suppliers to use this standard, which set off a boom in TS-2 on both sides of the Changjiang River. As you all know, QS9000s five tool course is still the recommended tool class manual recommended by IATF. In order to promote and learn from the advanced experience of quality management of international automobile industry in China, enhance and promote the China automobile industry overall quality management and quality assurance standards, the company launched a new version of Hong hee special core tools training courses, served as speaker by TS16949 senior counseling experts, will combine the simple case description tool courses used in practical work and there are problems for the students to answer. Two, training income: ? use case and practice teaching, combined with the automobile industry automobile parts manufacturers, the special requirements of the customer requirement OEM or actual, to achieve flexible use of purpose, and the principle of technical tools and practi


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