
vc第二章(VC second chapters).doc

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vc第二章(VC second chapters)

vc第二章(VC second chapters) The second chapter is the sequential structure One choice question 1, the answer is C Null statement Null statements indicate that the program does not produce any action during execution, but the arbitrary use of null statements causes errors in logic and is carefully used. 2, the answer is B Test site: statement The statement must end with a semicolon. A, C, and D expressions do not have semicolons, so they cannot form statements. 3, the answer is C Test points: output statements and arithmetic expressions Int x=13, y=4 x, y; x/y as integer, so take only integer part (rounding method), a value of 3, Assign 3 to x, and the value of the entire x=x/y expression is the value of the variable x on the left, so x is 3 and output is%d, signed decimal output. Note: integer divided by integer, the result is still integer. 4, the answer is A A, B as integer, a/b a, B is an integral part of business income, so it is 0, then the 0 is assigned to C, so the value of C is 0. Note: integer divided by integer, the result is still integer. 5, the answer is D Test sites: notes, variables, data inputs, and outputs The notes must use / * at the beginning and end with *, which /, * can not have other symbols, nor is the space bar. The computer does not compile the annotation section, meaning that annotations do not have any effect on the C language program, and can insert notes wherever they can insert spaces. However, annotations cannot be nested, such as: /*12212/*1221*/22*/ Variables should be defined first and then used. And to satisfy the naming rules of the user identifier. There is no / * and * A, so no comment. Therefore, A answer wrong. B defines r as an integer, does not make errors at compile time, automatically converts type, automatically calculates the value of an expression into a value assigned to the left of the assignment number and then assignments. So the variable R is integer, thats correct. The C variable s is floating-point, that is, the



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