
vc++数据类型转换(Vc++ data type conversion).doc

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vc++数据类型转换(Vc++ data type conversion) It (2009-07-23 15:59:46) tags used in VC++: Category: Programming String conversion 1.CString transforms into plastic Int CString str=_T (12345); ATOI ((LPCSTR) STR); / / LPCSTR const char* can be transformed into CString str= 1; Int n=atoi (str.GetBuffer (0)); 2. transfer a CString to an array of char (char*) Char buffer[128] CString str; A.//strcpy method Strcpy (buffer, str.GetBuffer ()); Str.ReleaseBuffer (); B.// forced conversion method Buffer= (LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) str; C.//sprintf method Sprintf (buffer,%s, STR); D. CString str; Int, nLength=str.GetLength (); Char * sz=new char[nLength]; Sz=str.GetBuffer (0); (LPCSTR) CString E. can be converted to char* by type forcing, such as CString: CString cStr = Hello, world!; Char* zStr = (char*) (LPCTSTR) cStr; turn CString CString string; Int iValue=100; String.Format (_T (%d), iValue); MessageBox (string); The value of string is 100 4.char * turn CString A. Char sz[128]; CString str; Str.Format (%s, SZ); B. CString.format (%s, char*); CString strtest; Char * charpoint; Charpoint= give string a value; Strtest=charpoint; / / direct payment value C. The char* type can be given directly to the CString and complete automatic conversion, for example: Char* zStr = Hello, world!; CString cStr = zStr; 5.Float turn CString Float f=0.0; CString str; Str.Format (%f, f); 6.CString turn Float CString str= 0; Float f=atof (str.GetBuffer (0)); 7.string turn CString CString.format (%s, string.c_str ()); Using c_str () is really better than data () 8.char* turn int #include stdlib.h Int ATOI (const, char, *nptr); Long Atol (const, char, *nptr); Long, long, Atoll (const, char, *nptr); Long, long, atoq (const, char, *nptr); 9.CString turn string String s (CString.GetBuffer ()); GetBuffer () must be ReleaseBuffer (), otherwise there is no space for the buffer to be released turn char * There is a function Itoa () in stdlib.h The use of itoa: Itoa (I, num, 10); I needs to convert characte


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