vista uac下应用程序标注为需要管理员权限的四种方法(Under vista UAC, the application is marked as four methods that require administrator privileges).doc
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vista uac下应用程序标注为需要管理员权限的四种方法(Under vista UAC, the application is marked as four methods that require administrator privileges)
vista uac下应用程序标注为需要管理员权限的四种方法(Under vista UAC, the application is marked as four methods that require administrator privileges)
In Vista UAC, there are four ways to mark an application as administrator rights
This has been described in Microsofts UACBlog. Just last week, I was responsible for the inspection. Here are summarized as follows
First, if a program is recognized as an Administrator program, Vista adds a shield mark to its icon. So its easy to see.
Second, if the UAC is valid, the Administrator program starts the pop-up license or administrator password input dialog box.
From this you can know whether your mark is successful or not.
Method 1: include the word Setup, Install, Update in the file name, such as TestSetup.exe and so on.
This method is controlled by the UAC local security policy, the detection installer. If the policy is invalid, it is invalid. The default is valid.
Method two: adding manifest resources in Exe. The.Net program seems to automatically generate one. Relatively new Visual Studio 2005 will also automatically generate manifest.
For older Visual Studio 6 previous applications, you can manually edit a mainfest file, and then use mt.exe to write to the EXE resources
(mt.exe is available in Visual Studio 2005 or platform SDK, Visual Studio 2005, Express version is free, free to download)
The Manifest file is a text file in XML format. As in the following example
XML version=, 1, encoding=, UTF-8, standalone=, yes?
assembly xmlns=, urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1, manifestVersion=, 1
assemblyIdentity version=
ProcessorArchitecture= x86
Name= Company.Department.Exe Name
Type= Win32 /
descriptionDescription of your application/description
Identify the application security ! -- requirements. --
trustInfo xmlns= urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3
Level= requireAdministrator
UiAccess= false /
The name property can be any assembly
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