
web测试标准中英文文档(Web test standard, Chinese and English documents).doc

web测试标准中英文文档(Web test standard, Chinese and English documents).doc

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web测试标准中英文文档(Web test standard, Chinese and English documents)

web测试标准中英文文档(Web test standard, Chinese and English documents) Standard web test documentation This is a standard web test document in both Chinese and english. I havent done anything about it. I just got to know it, but it looks good. It should be useful to some of my colleagues and put it on Company, name Company Name ACCEPTANCE TEST acceptance testing process PROCEDURE roject name project name Document Version x.x document version Revision, Date:, January, 2000 CONFIDENTIAL - INTERNAL USE ONLY security level - only for internal use Copyright 2000, company, name., All, Rights, Reserved. This, document, contains, confidential, trade, secret, information, of, company, name, and, company,, name, has, prepared, this Document, for, use, by, its, personnel, in, developing, new, software, and, hardware, internal, products., Any,, unauthorized, use, disclosure, or Of, the, information, herein, is, prohibited, and, the, information, not, be, reproduced, may, copied, or, used, in, whole,, or, in, part, without The, prior, written, approval, of, company, name. File:, WebTestProcedure.doc, COMPANY, CONFIDENTIAL, AND, PROPRIETARY, 2 ? 2000, company, name, All, Rights, Reserved. Revision History revised history Title: Document Title Project Name Title: project document title Revision: 1 Rev, Date, Description, of, Comments, Modified, by 1, [enter, date], Initial, Release, [author] [ver [date of #] Change] [enter comments] [your name] Distribution List distribution list Name Dept. Electronic/Hard Copy [Name, of, Recipient], [Department], [Date] [receiver] [Department] [time] QS Mgt. quality standard Development/Prod. Mgt. development standards Customer Support customer support Tech. Assist. EDI electronic data interchange Open Issues public offering {{Any items not resolved at this time.}} has no results at this time Copyright, 1998, by, Mitchell, International, San, Diego, California All, Rights, Reserved, Printed, in, USA, Confidential, Unpublished, Property, of, Mitchell, I


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