
windows目录清理(Windows directory cleanup).doc

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windows目录清理(Windows directory cleanup)

windows目录清理(Windows directory cleanup) Windows directory cleaning.Txt-// selfish, let us only see ourselves, but no one else. If you send text messages to someone you like, he doesnt return it. Dont give it back. Looking at your photos, I would like to think of P as black and white hanging on the wall. Sometimes, the world is not too hypocritical, but we are too naive. Windows directory cleanup Dont be intimidated by C:\Windows, there are also many things to delete. In this directory, .BAK,.BMP,.OLD,.TMP type files can be deleted. In addition to SchedLgU.txt (which is used for planning task program services), the.TXT file can also be deleted. In addition, the clock.avi and Control.ini files can also be deleted, and it does not have any impact on the system. C:\Windows\$NtUninstall$ This is the directory created by the system automatically when upgrading Windows online, and the role is to uninstall the installed system patches. If the patch is running properly, these directories are meaningless and you can safely delete these directories and files. You can uninstall these patches in add or remove programs. Of course, the patches arent really deleted, but just make the add or remove programs window cleaner. ($NtUninstall in the WINDOWS directory followed by a strange number of folders, which is the backup folder after the system upgrade, such as your system is running properly, deleted) C:\Windows\Help When running Windows XP for the first time, the system always prompts for roaming Windows XP, and the Chinese version uses a HTML file with only files and no sound. In fact, the system also installed English version of the roaming function, although it is in English, but there are languages, music, and beautiful animation. It is tour.exe in the Tours/mmtour directory. If it doesnt work, you can delete the entire directory of Tours. Before that, you should delete the tourstart.exe file in tourstrt.exe, tourW.exe, and C:\Windows\System32 in the C:\Windows\System32\dllcach



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