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winphone学习笔记(三)——winphone的动画(Winphone learning notes (three) - winphone animation)
winphone学习笔记(三)——winphone的动画(Winphone learning notes (three) - winphone animation)
This period of time has been to catch up with the task, the result did not go to study, nor to write Bowen, the content of this animation was early learned, but has not put it into Bowen, and now finally available.
Lets begin by talking about the two types of animation in WinPhone, one based on frame animation, and the other on time-based animation. The animations that follow are animated by Silverlight, and Silverlight animations are useful for XAML descriptions, and are also described in traditional CS code files. Then the content is based on Silverlight animation, key frame animation, animation trigger mechanism, perspective animation, priority. Next, the details are described in detail.
Animation classification
Frame based animation: a function is called once per call, and a function is changed once called.
Time based animation: although each time it is called on a function, the amount of change is called by the time as the independent variable.
The following example uses two different types of animation, which are text centered around the center
First, the xmal file
1, lt, TextBlock, Grid.Row=, 0, Grid.Column=, 0, Text=, Time-base, HorizontalAlignment=, Center, VerticalAlignment=, Center, RenderTransformOrigin=, 0.5, 0.5,
2 TextBlock.RenderTransform
3 RotateTransform x:Name=; rotate1 /
4 /TextBlock.RenderTransform
5 /TextBlock
7, lt, TextBlock, Grid.Row=, 1, Grid.Column=, 0, Text=, Frame-base, HorizontalAlignment=, Center, VerticalAlignment=, Center, RenderTransformOrigin=, 0.5, 0.5,
8 TextBlock.RenderTransform
9 RotateTransform x:Name=; rotate2 /
10 /TextBlock.RenderTransform
11 /TextBlock
The Rendering event is used in the CS code file, which needs to be registered in the constructor
CompositionTarget.Rendering = CompositionTarget_Rendering;
The CompositionTarget_Rendering method is defined as follows
1, void, CompositionTarget_Rendering (object, sender, EventArgs
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