
window按钮突破专家汇编原代码(Window button to break through the compilation of the original code experts).doc

window按钮突破专家汇编原代码(Window button to break through the compilation of the original code experts).doc

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window按钮突破专家汇编原代码(Window button to break through the compilation of the original code experts)

window按钮突破专家汇编原代码(Window button to break through the compilation of the original code experts) [original]Window button, break through the compilation of the original code experts Article title: [original]Window button breakthrough experts compilation of the original top icyfox published: 2004-10-2900:40 [[original landlord]Window button to break through the compilation of the original code of experts Article author: ice fox prodigal son [EST] Source of information: Evil octal PRC The Window button breaks through the expert source code Source code: ice fox prodigal son [EST] Description: The Window button break expert is not written by me. The source code is just the result of disassembly Remove unwanted code from; rewritten! ; .386 .modelflat, stdcall Optioncasemap:none ; Include file definition ; Include Include Includelib user32.lib Include Includelib kernel32.lib DLG_MAIN equ 1 ID_TIMER equ 1 ButtonCheckedID equ 1001 ; Code segment ; .code ; _EnumChildWindowsproceHandle:DWORD, y:DWORD InvokeIsWindowEnabled, eHandle Or, eax, eax JNE @F InvokeEnableWindow, eHandle, 1 @ @: Ret _EnumChildWindowsendp _ProcDlgMain, proc, usesebxediesihWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam; MOV, ebx, hWnd MOV, eax, wMsg CMP, eax, WM_CLOSE JNE @F Invoke, KillTimer, ebx, ID_TIMER Invoke, EndDialog, ebx, NULL JMP @end @ @: CMP, eax, WM_INITDIALOG JNE @F Invoke, SetTimer, ebx, ID_TIMER, 1000, NULL JMP @end @ @: CMP, eax, WM_TIMER JNE @F Invoke, IsDlgButtonChecked, ebx, ButtonCheckedID Or, eax, eax JE @F Invoke GetForegroundWindow Invoke, EnumChildWindows, eax, offset_EnumChildWindows, NULL @ @: @end:, MOV, eax, 0 Ret _ProcDlgMain endp Start: Invoke, GetModuleHandle, NULL Invoke, DialogBoxParam, eax, DLG_MAIN, NULL, offset_ProcDlgMain, NULL Invoke, ExitProcess, eax ; End start The following is win.rc // #include resource.h // #define DLG_MAIN 1 // // DLG_MAINDIALOGEX0,0,12,10 styleds_sysmodal | ds_modalframe | ds_center | ws_popup | ws_visible | ws_caption | ws_sysmen


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