
word尾注实现毕业论文参考文献编号及加方括号方法(The graduation thesis reference number and add square brackets word endnote).doc

word尾注实现毕业论文参考文献编号及加方括号方法(The graduation thesis reference number and add square brackets word endnote).doc

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word尾注实现毕业论文参考文献编号及加方括号方法(The graduation thesis reference number and add square brackets word endnote)

word尾注实现毕业论文参考文献编号及加方括号方法(The graduation thesis reference number and add square brackets word endnote) The graduation thesis reference number and add square brackets word endnote When writing papers, references is a very troublesome thing, the requirements of each magazine format is not the same, including the method of insertion in the article and arranged in the following format and sequence are different. According to the order of arrangement, there are two main types: first, sort by insertion order, and two by authors name. If it is sorted by authors name, the content of the article, if you want to change (including moving, inserting or deleting), has little effect on the reference in the final sort, and the number is also changed. But if it is in order to insert (the vast domestic and foreign many magazines most magazines are like this), article of any changes, additions and deletions to references and reordering work will become very cumbersome and error prone. Some editors are very strict with this aspect, and regard the format of reference as an important measure of whether the author is serious or not. Therefore, the reference literature is a link that we can not ignore when writing our paper. There is a very famous software Reference manager is responsible for the administration of reference, its function is very powerful, can be two times of literature retrieval, management, combined with Word can also complete the insertion of references, I believe that many master use it to solve the problem of inserting references. But this software is not free (D version does not count), and for some people who are not very skilled, it is not easy to develop RM functions. I have to RM was not very good, but I found that simply using function can insert endnote in Word well as long as to solve the scheduling problem in insertion order sorting paper references. The method is as follows (take Word2000 as an example): 1. the cursor where you want to insert references wher


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