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东莞服装品牌策划的战略必备守则(Dongguan clothing brand planning strategy essential rules)
东莞服装品牌策划的战略必备守则(Dongguan clothing brand planning strategy essential rules)
Dongguan clothing brand planning strategy essential rules
In Dongguan, clothing brand is undoubtedly very much, competition is also very large, a company may only operate a brand on the success, but another enterprise operates more than a dozen brands, still do not see a profitable. Brand planning is not a simple matter, must do some marketing strategy and planning, grasp the market key factors of clothing brand planning is the cornerstone of a brand to take off, the following is a clothing brand must have strategic planning factors, the author gives a share:
strategic target
A clothing brand would like to promote the market, we must do some forward-looking vision, we must first understand the strategic objectives of their products where?! Forewarned is forearmed., many Dongguan garment factory is a new boss to a brand, registered over started production, there is no strategic goal, they see the market reaction, so they have many many brands, but no one can sell out, because they omit the strategic planning the most important goal of the brand, no brand not destined to become a popular brand.
market positioning
In the era of diversification of clothing brands, the positioning of the site is one of the more important things than the management model. Now, every network operators in the mouth are advocating the accuracy of the general situation, what is the precise? Change the publics choice, a brand won too many people basically will not be particularly prominent in one hand, as a universal Curve Wrecker can dominate in a dumbass, but a mathematical genius English exam zero points tend to Curve Wrecker better than the Almighty mix in society, do the era of diversification of clothing brand, we must firmly grasp their own can catch their consumer groups, good service to their fixed population and better development of other targets.
The market positioning needs the principle of maximum benefit,
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