
二、常见文件扩展名和它们的说明(Two, common file extensions and their instructions).doc

二、常见文件扩展名和它们的说明(Two, common file extensions and their instructions).doc

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二、常见文件扩展名和它们的说明(Two, common file extensions and their instructions)

二、常见文件扩展名和它们的说明(Two, common file extensions and their instructions) Two, common file extensions and their instructions,.Txt every morning to get up to see the Forbes rich list, if it does not have my name, I go to work. Talk about money, not hurt feelings, talk about feelings, the most fucking hurt money. I curse you buying instant noodles all your life without seasoning bags. Two. * * * common file extensions and their instructions Common file extensions and their descriptions A ACE:Ace compressed file format ACT:Microsoft office helper file AIF, AIFF: Audio Interchange File, Silicon Graphic and Macintosh applications sound format Animated cursor in ANI:Windows system ARC:LH ARC compressed archive file ARJ:Robert Jung ARJ compressed package file ASD:Microsoft Words automatic save file; Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format (Microsoft Advanced Streaming) Format, ASF) description file; open Velvet Studio example file with NSREX ASF:Microsoft advanced streaming format file ASM: assembly language source file, Pro/E assembly file ASP: dynamic web file; ProComm Plus installation and connection script file; Astound presentation file AST:Astound multimedia files; ClarisWorks helper files Axx:ARJ compressed files of the sub serial number file, used to compress a large file to several small compression package (XX take 01-99 number) A3L:Authorware 3.x library file A4L:Authorware 4.x library file A5L:Authorware 5.x library file A3M, A4M:Authorware, Macintosh, UN packaged files A3W, A4W, A5W: unpacked Authorware Windows file B BAK: backup files BAS:BASIC source file BAT: batch file BIN: binary file BINHex: an encoding format for apples BMP:Windows or OS/2 bitmap file BOOK:Adobe FrameMaker Book file BOX:Lotus Notes mailbox file BPL:Borlard Delph 4 packaging Library BSP:Quake graphics file BUN:CakeWalk sound binding file (a MIDI program) C C0l: Typhoon waveform file CAB:Microsoft zip archive CAD Drafix CAD:Softdek file CAM:Casio camera format CAP: compressed music file format CAS:


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