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儿童心理学资料02(Child psychology data 02)
儿童心理学资料02(Child psychology data 02)
This article is contributed by lqkun518
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Chapter 1
An overview of preschool childrens psychological development
In the first section, what is the essence of human psychology? In the second section, what are the factors that restrict preschool childrens psychological development?
Section 1 the essence of human psychology
A brain is a psychological organ soul -- heart -- brain soul -- heart - damage to the human brain, the psychological activities will be affected, and even cause psychosis. Brain of the black box grey box brain black box grey box
(2) psychology is the function of the human brain: the mechanism and function of the brain
The brain is the organ of the mind
The brain is a complex organ, which is composed of the medulla, pons, midbrain and diencephalon, brain, cerebellum. One of the most developed part of the brain. The brain consists of two left and right hemispheres, the cortical surface is uneven. There are about 15 billion cells in six layers. Each brain fine flat. There are about 15 billion a cell is divided into six layers. Each brain cell has to deal with all kinds of huge information, they and subcortical nerve fibers have a complicated relationship, mutual transmission of information, constitute the physiological basis of psychological phenomenon.
The concave part of the brain is groove and crack, part of uplift for the return is divided into four parts: the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe. It is high nerve center. Central nervous system sends 12 nerve to the body (face, throat, visceral artery, 31). The spinal nerve (into the spinal cord, trunk and limbs), autonomic nerve (visceral, gland). The three was composed of the nervous system.
(two) 1 the function of human brain, brain function in the brain can receive, analysis, synthesi
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