
儿童哲学思维训练(Childrens philosophical thinking training).doc

儿童哲学思维训练(Childrens philosophical thinking training).doc

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儿童哲学思维训练(Childrens philosophical thinking training)

儿童哲学思维训练(Childrens philosophical thinking training) Documents from the network, I collected, finishing, and if there are omissions, errors, but also please correct me! Childrens philosophical thinking training Zhuchangchao Thinking training refers to the teaching and training activities for improving thinking ability and improving thinking quality through planned and purposeful activities (see Tian Yun: Thinking dictionary, 405 pages) thinking training is the application of thinking science in Education The thinking training was put forward by Debono, a British research scientist Its theoretical basis is that: The human brain has great potential, there is a great possibility of the development of thinking ability, improve the quality of thinking The genetic quality is the development of thinking ability and intelligence may provide, but to realize and achieve it provides may need to develop awareness of the day after tomorrow Our thinking is a skill of the brain, such as carpentry is a kind of hand skills Thinking skills are not innate, just as carpentry skills are not innate Through training, can improve the ability to think, learn to correct thinking, improve the quality of thinking Untrained people can also type with one or two fingers, but trained typists are very different from untrained people in speed and accuracy Thinking ability and thinking quality are innate factors, and more acquired factors The quality of thinking mainly includes the broadness, profundity, criticism, creativity, agility and flexibility of thinking Philosophy of children is a method of making students learn and understand philosophy and thinking through vivid and philosophical stories The concept of childrens philosophy was put forward by Lippmann, an American scholar The study of philosophy of children began in the United States The earliest philosophers of systematic philosophy of children were American scholars, Lippmann Lippmann is the philosophy of childrens philosophy from the disa


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