
儿童补钙补锌(Calcium zinc supplementation in children).doc

儿童补钙补锌(Calcium zinc supplementation in children).doc

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儿童补钙补锌(Calcium zinc supplementation in children)

儿童补钙补锌(Calcium zinc supplementation in children) Four months baby calcium deficiency, zinc deficiency how to make up? Yearn for the guidance of a doctor Patient sex: Male Patient age: 4 months, 5 days Baby: baby four months, 5 days, 16.5 pounds, height 65cm, in addition to calcium deficiency, zinc and a small amount of iron, good health. Calcium supplementation background: for normal physical needs, doctors routinely require 15 days of birth to start filling calcium: Calcium Carbonate Granules, once a half pack, once a day, {0.25 grams per pack, vitamin AD, the next day a grain. {calcium supplementation has been nearly 3 months} Three months of physical examination: X-ray bone density examination results: calf calcium medium, trace elements through the blood examination results of zinc deficiency is more, the value of 37, the normal value of more than 50. Doctors prescription: Calcium: a Yingkangli (instead of vitamin AD a month) Continue taking Calcium Carbonate Granules (at the same time as the dose) Zinc: Zinc Gluconate Granules (once a day a 1/3 package) A box of spleen and child grains (increase appetite, cure sweating, have eaten) Efficacy: medication has been 35 days, no significant changes, symptoms have not changed significantly, the symptoms are as follows At present symptoms: hair is not long, less, and the head is basically no longer, sweating more, loss of appetite, do not love to suck the breast, 24 hours milk in about 600 milliliters, sleep is not practical. Consultation point: 1, calcium and zinc is correct, if not please the appropriate guidance The use of drugs and dosage of 2, calcium and zinc is appropriate, if not suitable please guide 3, baby weight and height is consistent with the age of the month, how to use standard? Thank you very much. This pediatrician yearn professional experience reasonable clear advice. Tell a love babys father Ask for help: ask for advice: 1, calcium and zinc is correct, if not please the appropriate guidance The use


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