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浙 江 农 业 大 学 学 报  24 (2) : 148~ 152, 1998       Journal of Zhejiang A gricultural U niversity       农产品薄层干燥实验微机控制及数据采集系统① 王剑平 王 俊 应义斌 盖 玲 黄顺进 (浙江农业大学工程技术学院, 杭州 310029) 摘 要  采用高性能数据采集卡、 转换卡、小信号放大板、数字量 卡、温湿度传感器和 D A I O 精密重量传感器等与微型电子计算机组成农产品薄层干燥实验过程的控制及数据采集系统 通过 盐胚李的薄层干燥实验, 表明该系统控制精度高、工作可靠, 实现了薄层干燥实验自动化 关 键 词  薄层干燥; 数据采集 中图分类   379. 9; 274; 399 S T P T P W ang J ianp ing ; W ang J un ; Y ing Y ibin; Gai L ing ; H uang S hunj in (Colleg e of T echnology , Z he j iang A g ricu ltu ral U niversity , H ang z hou 310029, Ch ina) - - - M icrocom puter based data acquisition and con trol system for th in layer dry ing studies Journal of ( ) Zhejiang A gricultural U niversity, 1998, 24 2 : 148~ 152    Abstract A n autom atic data acquisition and contro l system fo r th in layer drying studies w as de . 818 , veloped H igh perfo rm ance DA S card PCL L relay iso lated m ultip lexer and amp lifier boards 779 24 724 486 PCLD and bit digital I O card PCL w ere interfaced w ith a PC m icrocomputer fo r th is purpo se. A comm ercially available load cell w as used fo r sensing w eigh t changes of samp les in . th in layer drying apparatuses T he softw are fo r data co llection and p rocess contro l w as developed 2. 0.


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