
北京市4个区县人群口臭的自我评价及其影响因素调查(Self rating of halitosis and its influencing factors among 4 districts and counties in Beijing).doc

北京市4个区县人群口臭的自我评价及其影响因素调查(Self rating of halitosis and its influencing factors among 4 districts and counties in Beijing).doc

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北京市4个区县人群口臭的自我评价及其影响因素调查(Self rating of halitosis and its influencing factors among 4 districts and counties in Beijing)

北京市4个区县人群口臭的自我评价及其影响因素调查(Self rating of halitosis and its influencing factors among 4 districts and counties in Beijing) QE J type wine industry! I!! F type: you sit below Fort no more than four babies to carp! No.! 23t: no.:!! Self rating of halitosis and its influencing factors among 4 districts and counties in Beijing Liu Xuenan, Wang Chunwa, Li Yiqing, Wang Yulian, Zhang Boxue [enclosure No. R193.R781.9] F document identification code] A [articles number] 1002 - 9982 (2007) 11 - 0822 - 04 [Abstract] Objective To understand the self evaluation of daily odor in the general population and explore the influencing factors. Methods the specially designed relatives were adopted, A total of 2000 residents in 4 urban and rural districts and counties in Beijing were investigated using cluster random sampling. The contents of the questionnaire included general information, medical history, brush alone Dental habits, smoking and halitosis. As a result, 26.4% of respondents reported having bad breath, and 44.9% were not aware of it The main causes of bad breath are that 59.7% of people are troubled by bad breath for more than 3 years, and 20.9% suffer halitosis in different ways Influence。 27, 6% of people tried to use mouthwash or gum bundles to eliminate 171 smells, and only 2.5% of those who wanted to see a doctor to solve the problem. Bad breath The rates of self-reported rates were influenced by men, smokers, poor brushing habits and those with systemic disease. Conclusion halitosis in the general population in China The self-reported rate is higher than in other countries, and knowledge about the 171 odor needs to be further improved, including men, smokers, urban residents and systemic diseases The self-reported rate of halitosis is higher than that of other populations. Keywords halitosis; self evaluation; questionnaire; influencing factors; Studyonself rel rtedhalit isandrelatedfactorsingeneralpopulationin4are ofBe (follow up handsome jingLj Xue which n. WangChun Zh



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