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埃里克森的人格发展八段论(Eight sections of Ericksons personality development)
埃里克森的人格发展八段论(Eight sections of Ericksons personality development)
Eight sections of Ericksons personality development
This is an important theory of the emergence and development of self-consciousness.
Erickson (E.H.Erikson, 1902) is a famous psychiatrist and representative of Neo psychoanalysis in the United states. He believes that the development of self - awareness for life, he divides the process of formation and development of self consciousness into eight stages, the eight stages of the sequence is determined by genetics, but each stage can survive is determined by the environment, so this theory can be called social psychology stage theory. Each stage is not to be neglected.
Ericksons theory of lifelong development of personality provides theoretical basis and educational content for education of different age groups, and any educational error of any age will cause an obstacle for ones lifelong development. It also tells everyone why you become what you are now, what your mental qualities are, what are positive, which are negative, and which age group you are in, which gives you a basis for reflection.
The infant (0 ~ 1.5): basic trust and distrust conflict
At this point do not think that the baby is a small animal ignorance, as long as enough to cry on the line, which is completely wrong. This is a period of psychological conflict between basic trust and mistrust, as children begin to know people, and when parents are crying or hungry, it is an important issue for parents to build up their trust. Trust forms the quality of Hope in personality, and it strengthens the power of self. Children with a sense of trust dare to hope, be rich in ideals, and have strong future orientation. On the contrary, I dare not hope, and always worry that my needs will not be satisfied. Erickson defined hope as a lasting belief in the realization of his desires, a rebellion against the dark forces, and a sign of the birth of life..
The children (1.5 ~ 3): autonomy and shy and s
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