
宝钢2050mm热轧带钢表面氧化铁皮缺陷控制(Surface oxide scale defect control of Baosteel 2050mm Hot Rolled Strip).doc

宝钢2050mm热轧带钢表面氧化铁皮缺陷控制(Surface oxide scale defect control of Baosteel 2050mm Hot Rolled Strip).doc

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宝钢2050mm热轧带钢表面氧化铁皮缺陷控制(Surface oxide scale defect control of Baosteel 2050mm Hot Rolled Strip)

宝钢2050mm热轧带钢表面氧化铁皮缺陷控制(Surface oxide scale defect control of Baosteel 2050mm Hot Rolled Strip) Third phase Baosteel Technology in 2007 Surface oxide scale defect control of Baosteel 2050~ hot rolled strip Li H M Baosteel Branch hot mill, Shanghai 200941, China Abstract: the iron oxide defects in the surface quality of hot drawn products are basically three defects of iron oxide scale and two parts of iron oxide defects. according to Classification and formation mechanism of iron oxide scales. Through investigation, statistics and experiment, the surface oxygen of hot rolled strip steel at Baosteel Branch 2050mm mill is analyzed The main influence factors of iron quality defects: Zagreb Sapporo film machine, roller surface of strip steel Zagreb entrance temperature, finish rolling zone except descaling box bee and rack Water effect, raw material thickness, chemical composition, lubricating oil, etc.. In order to effectively control the scale defect, in fine car free for lubricating oil system, Feasible measures are put forward for the use of high speed steel rollers, cooling conditions of rolling sticks and rolling process. Keywords: hot strip; iron oxide; CLC number: TG335.ll, document identification code: B, article number: 1008, 0716 (2007), 03, one, 0037, one. DefectControlforBaosteel2050mmHotStriP 5SurfaceScale LIH girl aming (HotStriPRollingPlant, BaosteelBranch, Shanghai200941, China) Abstraet:Seale asurfaeequal, Jean yproblem, Ding sealeandpartiallyseeonda 15basieallytertia sealedefeets.Ae-. Eordingtothesealeelassifieationandformationmeehanism, maininfluentialfaetorseausinghotstrip 5surfaeequali- TyproblemsinBaosteelBraneh2050mmmillareanalyzedbymeansofinvestigation, statistiesandexperimentation. Themaininfluentialfaetorsareoxidefilmontheroller, inlettemperatureofhotstripfinishing, desealingeffeetofthe Deseajerandinter, standeoolingwater, thieknessofintermediatebillet, ehemiealeompositionandlubriearion011for Rolling.Inordertoeffeetivelyeontrolsealedefeets, som



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