
服务器对比 服务器性能的标准测试(Standard Test of server contrast server performance).doc

服务器对比 服务器性能的标准测试(Standard Test of server contrast server performance).doc

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服务器对比 服务器性能的标准测试(Standard Test of server contrast server performance)

服务器对比 服务器性能的标准测试(Standard Test of server contrast server performance) Standard Test of server contrast server performance 1 and SPECweb96 test SPEC96 is the test software provided by the Standard Performance Evaluation Corp, for detection of server Web characteristics, SPEC is by the famous computer manufacturers, system integrators, universities, research institutes, publishers and other components of the nonprofit organization. Currently, SPEC has been recognized by IBM, HP, Intel, Compaq and other major server vendors. SPEC through one or more client issues a HTTP Get request to the server, the request fully simulated Internet user access to the server, the request of various file server hard disk HTML language, these documents ranging from several K to several M, at the same time, more requests to the server that answer. The ability of data processing server is stronger, the transmission bandwidth between the memory and the CPU and PCI channel is wide, the hard disk subsystem and network subsystem server transmission speed more quickly, the better the performance of Web server. Because SPEC is a non-profit organization for standardization, the test values are obtained by SPEC test results of a strict standard, so long as the test principle and test procedure according to SPEC provide the system operation, the final results will be able to get the industrys main server manufacturers and users. 2, TPCC benchmark test The value of TPCC is widely used to measure the performance of the whole system under the environment of C/S, constructed by the server and the client, it consists of transaction processing performance Council (TPC, Transaction Processing Corp TPC) developed for the non-profit international organization. The TPCC value can reflect the performance cost ratio of the system. The number of tasks handled per minute by the TPCC test system is TPM (transactions, per, minute). The overall price system (in dollars) divided by the TPCC value, you can measure th



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