
查找延时命令(Find delay command).doc

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查找延时命令(Find delay command)

查找延时命令(Find delay command) Sometimes, the network administrator needs in the local server system, through the telnet command to log on to a remote server system, remote management and maintenance operations, in order to effectively improve the efficiency of network management and maintenance. However, in the Windows Server 2008 server system, use the telnet command to other remote management server, we find that the system will be prompted to say telnet is not internal or external commands, nor can run the program or batch file. It is not a Windows Server 2008 server system does not support the Telnet function? The answer is no! The system will appear above the error is Windows Server 2008 Telnet system components in the system is not installed by default, we just follow the steps below to install the system components, can restore remote login function: The start menu, first open the Windows Server 2008 server system, from which in turn select program and management tools and server manager option in the list on the left behind regional interface, expand the role and functional branches; Figure 6 enables remote login of Windows Server 2008 Telnet The list on the right corresponds to function branch options, click the add option to find Telnet client option and the Telnet server option from the Windows function list then pop in (Fig. 6), and will select all of these options, according to the wizard prompts click stop the next button, until finally click OK button, so we can use the telnet in the local server system in order to remotely manage other server. Slave port, alternate port, master port main port, and active port activation port EC2, Config\statis#, show, port, OLT, 20, up Look at the optical path error code, 2, which parameter is 0 or 1? How to test: delay, jitter, packet loss rate? Under DOS, there are two simple DOS commands that let you know the network status between the user and the local server. Select run, type CMD enter, and then enter the DOS wind



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