
第三章 健康行为与相关理论辅导(The third chapter is about health behavior and related theories).doc

第三章 健康行为与相关理论辅导(The third chapter is about health behavior and related theories).doc

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第三章 健康行为与相关理论辅导(The third chapter is about health behavior and related theories)

第三章 健康行为与相关理论辅导(The third chapter is about health behavior and related theories) The third chapter is about health behavior and related theories Students: We learned in the first chapter, health psychology is to bio psycho social model is established, which emphasizes the biological removal of factors, important factors and psychological factors, social factors and health and disease. Personal lifestyle, lifestyle and personality, emotions and other psychological factors will have an important impact on their health. Therefore, the disease is not entirely caused by external factors can not be controlled, because their behavior and psychological and health and disease, this person will be responsible for their own health, personal responsibility and obligation to promote their health by changing their behavior and life style. So what is healthy behavior? Why cant people practice healthy behavior? How do we allow people to build a healthy lifestyle and promote healthy behaviors without doing harm to health? This is the problem that this chapter should solve. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the importance of health behavior and to analyze the factors that influence peoples health behaviors. The strategies and theories about attitude change and behavior change are introduced. I. key and difficult problems 1. the importance of mastering healthy behavior. 2. general risk factors for major causes of death. 3., generally grasp the relationship between educational appeals, fear appeals and behavior changes. 4., focus on the content and application of health belief model. 5., grasp the content and application of rational action theory. 6. generally grasp the difference between classical control and operation control. 7., focus on strategies for behavior change. 8., the content of the cross theoretical model of general behavior change. 9.. The content of cognitive behavior model that generally grasps the process of relapse. Two, key and difficult problems guidance



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