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农村生态环境 1999, 15( 3) : 44—48                       - Rur al Eco Envir onment 陈祖义 ( , 2 10095) , , Reflection on the Biological Effects of Rare Earth and the Cumulative Impacts of Its Agricultural Appli- . ( , , 210095) : - cation Chen Z uy i Colleg e of Science N anjing Agr icultur e U niver sity NA N IN G R ur al E co E nv ironment , 1999, 15( 3) : 44- 48 Abstract T he enviro nmental behav ior , cum ulative impact s, bio concent ration, and biolog ical effects of r ar e earth have been described. Fro m the aspect of bio co ncentr atio n of rar e eart h and its neg ative ef- fect s on animals and plants, the potent ial eco -env ir onmental impacts of r ar e earth accum ulation caused by it s agr icultur al applicatio n ar e discussed. Key wordsr ar e earth, env ir onmental behav ior, bio-accumulatio n, bio -effect, cumulative impact ( rare earths RE) RE , , , 10% RE [ 1] , RE , RE RE , , [ 2] , , RE RE ( ) , RE ; , , RE, RE , RE RE , [ 3] RE RE , RE ( LaCeNd)


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