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尊敬的编辑部老师和评审专家: 非常感谢各位老师对本文的宝贵建议!以下是具体的修改意见。 1. 没有排除标准,所有入组病例中途没有退出?2. 诱导后脉搏氧饱和度下降明显,92%左右,为什么,仅仅是呼吸抑制?没有持续供氧,?采用什么通气方式,仅是面罩辅助?有无插喉罩等?3. 3组所用电量不同,会不会对研究有影响?4. 在麻醉监测指标比较中:“E组MECT即刻、10minHR和MAP值明显高于B、L组(P<0.05)”。何来的B和L组?笔误?5. 在摘要的结果部分提到“丙泊酚组MECT即刻、10min心率和平均动脉压均明显高于依托咪酯组和联合用药组(P<0.05),”而正文的数据却是依托咪酯组偏高,望修正。6. 同样,正文结果中脑癫痫发作不良次数无差别,而摘要中是有差别的。7. 有研究显示预先注射利多卡应可以减少依托咪酯的肌阵挛作用,而且利多卡因又可减少丙泊酚的注射痛,建议临床中试用。但不知是否会对脑电有影响。 依托咪酯联合丙泊酚用于改良电休克发作不良患者的疗效和安全性☆ 贾玉萍1 沈曙光1 王晓敏1 肖文斌1 庄2 徐一峰1 苏亮1,3, 【摘要】 目的方法结果结论 【关键词】改良电休克;发作不良;依托咪酯;丙泊酚 The efficacy and safety of etomidate combined propofol using in patients with poor seizure in modified electroshock therapy The effect of Etomidate joint Propofol on Patients with Bad Brain Seizures Wave JIA YU PING, SHEN SHU GUANG, WANG XIAO MIN ,XIAO WEN BIN,ZHUANG XIN LIANG,XU YI FENG , SU LIANG☆ Department of Anesthesia, Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,Shanghai 200030, China Tel: +86【Abstract】 Objective To explore the effect of the etomidate and propofol induced anesthesia in the modified electric shock therapy (MECT) for patients with bad brain wave. Methods 336 psychiatric disorders patients who had treated by MECT after propofol induced anesthesia(the onset time of epilepsy wave 25s in former three times) were selected and randomly divided into 3 groups, propofol group, etomidate group and combined group (propofol and etomidate), every group had 112 patients. The following quantity of therapeutic electricity that makes the onset time of epilepsy wave increase by 5% was used, and all patients treated by MECT once every other day (six times in all).The initial threshold value of quantity of electricity, final threshold value of quantity of electricity, total quantity of therapeutic electricity, times of bad seizures were recorded respectively. In addition, the heart rate (HR) and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) in before and after anesthesia, and in immediate and 10min after


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