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28 6 Vo.l 28 No. 6 2008 12 JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENG INEERING VIBRATION Dec. 2008 : 1000- 1301( 2008) 06- 0213-07 1 1 2 赵晓平, 张令弥, 郭勤涛 ( 1. , 210016; 2. , 210016) : , , : ; ; ; : T460. 99 : A A dvan ces and trends in rotationalm ach ine order track ing m ethodology 1 1 2 ZHAO X iaoping , ZHANG L ingm i, GUO Q intao ( 1. Institute ofV ibration Engineering, Nanj ing University ofAeronautics and A stronautics, Nanjing 210016, China; 2. College of M echanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University ofAeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China) Abs tract: O rder track ing( OT ) is an mi portantm ethod for dynam ic design, fault d iagnosis and cond ition monitoring in rotating m ach inery. In combinationw ith the most recent advances in dom estic and internationalOT methodolo- gies, OT algorithms are categorized systematically according to d ifferent w ays. The detailed analyses and compar-i sons are made to account for all kinds ofOT algorithm s in table. Some possible d irections in OT algorithm research are pointed out. K ey w ord s: rotationalmach ine; order track ing; recent status; summarization , , , [ 1] 20 80, , BK 7702( Bently) FFT, (Agilent) 3 670A ( Data Physics)ACE OROS, DASP: , [ 2] , , : 2007- 11- 0 ; : 2008- 01- 20 : ( 067 10 ) : ( 1977- ), , , . E-m ail: xp_zhao@ 163. com 214 28 , , , ,


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