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营养基因组学及其 个性化健康评估 张咸宁 zhangxianning@zju.edu.cn Tel Office: C303, Teaching Building 2017/03 • 祁鸣,朱心强译. 营养基因组学:发现通往个性 化营养的途径. 浙江大学出版社,2011. “What is food for one, is to others bitter poison’’ (Lucretius) Favism蚕豆病:因食入新鲜蚕豆所致急性溶血,以目微黄, 尿如浓红茶或甚至如酱油,全身不适,疲倦乏力,畏寒发热, 头晕头痛,厌食,恶心呕吐,腹痛,甚则面色苍白,心悸,烦 躁,神呆,少尿,脉细弱等为主要表现的黄疸病——G6PD缺 乏症 • Nutrition is the process that offers different substances to an organism that can work as energy supplier (carbohydrate and fat), as cell structure sources (proteins), and on metabolism control (vitamins and minerals), thus maintaining its homeostasis稳态 • The nutritional state of an individual is the result of the interaction between various factors, such as genetic background, physical body, and emotional and social state. Diet is a key role factor, once those nutrients and other bioactive compounds present in food can either be beneficial or initiate several diseases • Among the illnesses related to food consumption, there are the celiac disease乳糜泻, phenylketonuria苯酮尿症, and NTCDs (nontransmissible chromic diseases), such as cancer癌症, diabetes糖尿病, and dislipidemias血脂 异常 • Nutrigenomics (Nutritional genomics): the study of how food and components of food affect gene expression The study of the interactions between our genetic makeup and the foods we consume, and the health outcomes that may occur 营养基因组学:研究食物如何影响个体的遗传 信息的表达,以及个体的基因组成是如何代谢 营养物质、生物活性物质并对它们做出何种反 应 The goal of nutritional genomics • to provide a platform from which a dietary regimen (饮食养生)can be tailored to affect individual genetic profiles (遗传概 貌), potentially increasing the risk of developing a chronic disease (慢性疾病) or cancer, with the expectation that the onset (发病)of these conditions


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