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东华理工大学长江学院 毕 业 设 计(论文) 题 目: 浅析桥梁工程中变形监测的实例应用 英文题目: Examples Application the Deformation Monitoring of Bridge Engineering 学生姓名:谢皓 申请学位门类:学士学位 学 号:专 业: 测绘工程 系 别: 测绘工程系 指导教师: 聂运菊 职称:讲师 二 零 一 三 年 六 月 摘 要 桥梁工程作为民生工程,在交通中一直扮演着重要的角色。而桥梁工程的变形也就成为了人们十分关心的重点问题。桥梁工程变形监测就是针对它的柔性结构及动态特性进行的研究,为桥梁工程的“生命体征”提供诊断报告,使人们可以对症下药,避免重大安全事故的发生。 本文首先对桥梁工程变形监测的发展及意义作了简单的概述,并对桥梁工程变形监测中常用的几种方法作了简单的叙述。以位于江西省抚州市南丰县傩乡大桥的变形监测为例,采用地面测量方法采集数据并进行分析。针对傩乡大桥的建设中及竣工期间的变形进行监测,真实而形象的描述了变形监测在桥梁工程中的应用。 关键词:桥梁工程; 变形监测; 安全事故 ABSTRACT Bridge engineering as a livelihood project, in traffic plays an important role. Deformation of bridge engineering also become the focus of concern. Research on bridge engineering deformation monitoring is the flexible structure and its dynamic characteristics are, diagnosis report for Bridge Engineering signs of life, so that people can be an antidote against the disease, to avoid the occurrence of major accidents. Firstly, development and significance of bridge engineering deformation monitoring is summarized, and several methods of deformation monitoring of bridge engineering are briefly described. Through the study of deformation monitoring for Nanfeng County of Jiangxi province Fuzhou City Nuo Xiang Bridge and its data, using ground survey method of data collection and analysis. According to the deformation monitoring during the construction of Nanfeng County of Jiangxi province Fuzhou City Luo Xiang Bridge and the completion of the. The real and vivid description of the application of deformation monitoring in the bridge construction. Key Words: Bridge Construction; Deformation Monitoring; Safety Misadventure 目 录 1 绪 论 1 1.1 桥梁变形监测发展历程及意义 1 1.2 桥梁变形监测的主要方法和研究进展 1 1.3 桥梁变形观测的主要内容 2 1.4 桥梁工程变形观测安排 2 1.4.2 塔柱变形观测 2 1.4.3 桥面挠度观测 3 1.4.4 桥面水平位移观测 3 2 桥梁变形监测 4 2.1 变形监测的原理 4 2.1.1 统计分析法 4 2.1.2 确定函数法 4 2.2 桥梁变形的限制 5 2.2.1 主梁挠度变形限值 5 2.2.2 墩台沉降变形限值 5 2.2.3桥梁变形的分类 6 2.3 桥梁静态变形监测 6 2.4 系统布置 6 2.4.1桥墩沉陷与桥面线形观测点的布置 6 2.4


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