
第三章 岩石的力学性质-2.ppt

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第三章 岩石的力学性质-2

* 代入本构方程得 表明无松弛现象 (4)描述岩石的特点 有稳定蠕变 有弹性后效 无松弛 无瞬变性 (4)松驰方程 3)开尔文(Kelvin)模型 3.3.4 岩石的流变特性/ Rheology of Rock Chapter 3 Mechanical Properties of Rock 3.3 岩石的变形特性/ Deformability of Rock 5、岩石的流变力学模型/ Tang Lizhong . Institute of Rock Soil Mechanics and Engineering, Central South University 5、岩石的流变力学模型/Rheological Models of Rock 3.3.4 岩石的流变特性/ Rheology of Rock Chapter 3 Mechanical Properties of Rock 3.3 岩石的变形特性/ Deformability of Rock 6、小结/Conclusions Tang Lizhong . Institute of Rock Soil Mechanics and Engineering, Central South University 时间效应-力学状态随时间变化 本构关系-包含时间变量 蠕变-岩体工程中更常见 1、流变的概念/Concept of Rheology 2、典型的蠕变曲线/Typical Curve of Creep of Rock 3、岩石的蠕变的类型/Types of Creep of Rock 4、岩石蠕变的影响因素/Factors Influencing on Creep of Rock 5、岩石的流变力学模型/Creep Mechanical Models of Rock * Chapter 3 Mechanical Properties of Rock 3.3 岩石的变形特性/ Deformability of Rock 3.3.4 岩石的流变特性/ Rheology of Rock Tang Lizhong . Institute of Rock Soil Mechanics and Engineering, Central South University * Chapter 3 Mechanical Properties of Rock 3.3 岩石的变形特性/ Deformability of Rock Tang Lizhong . Institute of Rock Soil Mechanics and Engineering, Central South University 3.3.4 岩石的流变特性/ Rheology of Rock We noted that no time component is incorporated in elasticity theory: it is assumed that the stresses and strains develop instantaneously on loading or unloading. However, we noted in 3.1 when discussing the complete stress-strain curve, that the exact form of the curve will depend on the strain rate at which it is determined. It is commonly observed at rock engineering sites, that the rock continues to deform after a stress change occurs-e.g. convergence of well bores and tunnels. So, it is evident that, whilst the theory of elasticity is of assistance in understanding and analysing the mechanics of rock masses, a theory is also required for timedependent effects. Words used to describe time-dependent behaviour are clarified in the glossary below. T



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