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内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书 PAGE I 摘 要:本文主要叙述了2.4Mt/a矿井型选煤厂初步设计。入洗的原煤为两矿按6:4的比例混合后的煤。原煤的灰分为23.41%,是强粘结性的良好的炼焦配煤。设计任务要求精煤产品灰分小于9.0%,水分小于12%。精煤产品作为炼焦煤,中煤销售,矸石外运。 根据原煤的性质及精煤质量要求等,在进行选煤方案比较的基础上,确定出最佳的工艺流程和产品结构。即该厂为重介质选煤厂。经过工艺流程计算、设备选型等,对主厂房和总平面进行布置。同时做出了该厂的经济技术分析。 主厂房为混凝土构筑,厂房宽敞,采光率高。总平面布置充分考虑地形因素因地制宜,绿化面积高,有效隔音除尘。为现代化高效选煤厂。 关键词:工艺流程,重介质分选,技术经济,选煤厂设计 THE DESIGN OF 2.4 MT/A PITHED COAL PREPARETION PLANT ABSTRACT abstract: The thesis mainly states the course of primer designing on pithed coal preparation plant which produces 2.4 million tons per year. The feeding raw coal was A mixed with B by the proportion 6:4. The ash content of raw coal is 23.41%, its viscosity is strong, it is a good coal for coking manufacture .The designing task of the ash content of the clean coal no more than 9.0% and its moisture is less than 12%. According to the nature of raw coal and the quality request of clean coal, on the basis of the comparison of coal preparation plan, It confirms the optimal technological process and the structure of products. That’s to say, it is the dense medium separation plant. By the calculation of procession and the equipments selection. It arranges the main workshop and the total flat, then analysis on technology and economy. The workshop for concrete building, building capacious, daylighting rate is high. General layout fully consider terrain factors adjust measures to local conditions, high effective sound insulation, greening area of dust. This is a HYPERLINK app:ds:modernization \t _self modernization coal preparation plant. Key words: technological, process, dense medium separation, the analysis on technology and economy, the coal preparation plant design。 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc264993466 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc264993466 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc264993467 ABSTRACT PAGEREF _Toc264993467 \h II HYPERLINK \l _Toc264993468 前 言 PAGEREF _Toc264993468 \h - 1 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc264993469 第一章 设计概要 PAGEREF _Toc264993469 \h - 2 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc26499



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