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Digital healthcare for respiratory disease 呼吸系统疾病的数字健康服务 Tony Keang Chief Execuve Officer and Managing Director ASX Spotlight Investor Conference 30 May 2017, Singapore - 1 June 2017, Hong Kong ASX: RAP Disclaimer This presentaon has been prepared by ResApp Health Limited (“ResApp”). The informaon contained in this presentaon is a professional opinion only and is given in good faith. Certain informaon in this document has been derived from third pares and though ResApp has no reason to believe that it is not accurate, reliable or complete, it has not been independently audited or verified by ResApp. Any forward-looking statements included in this document involve subjecve judgment and analysis and are subject to uncertaines, risks and conngencies, many of which are outside the control of, and may be unknown to, ResApp. In parcular, they speak only as of the date of this document, they assume the success of ResApp’s strategies, and they are subject to significant regulatory, business, compeve and economic uncertaines and risks. Actual future events may vary materially from the forward-looking statements and the assumpons on which the forward-looking statements are based. Recipients of this document (Recipients) are cauoned to not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. ResApp makes no representaon or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of informaon in this document and does not take responsibility for updang any informaon or correcng any error or omission which may become apparent aer this document has been issued. To the extent permied by law, ResApp and its officers, employees, related bodies corporate and agents (Agents) disclaim all liabili



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