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applications for proprietary Chinese medicines registration were received as at end of 2007. The Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica 中醫藥事務部於二零零二年成立了香港 Standards (HKCMMS) Office was set up under the 中藥材標準辦事處,以統籌及管理對本 Chinese Medicine Division in 2002 to coordinate 地60種常用中藥材的研究,以便制訂有 and manage a research project on the development 關的品質和安全性標準。研究分三期進 of quality and safety standards for 60 commonly 行,由本地大學承擔有關的研究及實驗 used Chinese herbs in Hong Kong. The project 工作。第一期涉及八種藥材的研究結果 was conducted in three phases with the actual 已於二零零五年七月刊印於香港中藥材 research and laboratory work undertaken by 標準第一冊。第二期涉及24種藥材的大 local universities. The research results of Phase I 部分研究工作,已於二零零六年完成, involving eight herbs were published in HKCMMS 現正籌備香港中藥材標準第二冊的出版 Volume I in July 2005. Majority of the Phase II 工作。第三期涉及28種藥材的研究工作 research work covering 24 herbs was completed 亦已於二零零六年二月展開。 in 2006. The publication of HKCMMS Volume II containing the monographs of 24 Chinese herbal medicines is in progress. The Phase III research work covering 28 herbs commenced in February 2006. Family and Elderly Health 家庭及長者健康服務 Services Elderly Health Service 長者健康服務 The Elderly Health Service was set up in July 1998 衞生署於一九九八年七月設立長者健康 to promote the health of the elderly population 服務,透過社區服務,為長者提供以客 through provision of community-based, client- 為本、素質為先的優質基層健康護理服 oriented and quality primary healthcare services, 務,並以綜合專業隊伍的模式,照顧長 with a whole-person, multi-disciplinary team 者的整體健康需要,並鼓勵社區人士, approach and maximum participation of everyone 包括長者在內,積極參與,以推廣長者 including the elderly themselves. A total of 18 健康。衞生署共設有18間長者健康中心 Elderly Health Centres and 18 Visiting Health 和18支長者健康外展隊伍,分佈在每區 Teams, one in each dist



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