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DICOM Projects – Gateway Storage Gateway /Shared Arc Digital Modality - C-STORE-RQ Command - Image Header Data (i.e. Name, ID, Row, Col..) - Pixel Data C-STORE-RQ … C-STORE-RSP… C-STORE-RSP Command (Status) Multiple transfers usually occur on the same association Storage SCU Storage SCP DICOM Projects – Gateway Storage Commitment ---- an extension of the basic DICOM Storage Service S.C 具体实现过程 Gateway /Shared Arc Digital Modality requests the archive device to verify that all of the intended images have been received. requests that the archive device assume responsibility for the safe-keeping of the images, Storage Commitment Request Messgage If all is well, then the archive returns a confirmation message If problems with one or more images or with the entire operation-error message S.C Response Storage SCU Storage SCP References… OpenSource: 整个项目给予的第三方包/confluence/display/d2/dcm4che2+DICOM+Toolkit SourceForge上的对dcm4che的HELP Forum /forum/forum.php?thread_id=1694167forum_id=118012 PACS Mini 实现 /index.php/MainSite:OpenSourcePacsDocumentationOverview 很多关于DICOM 的软件,有开源的,也有非开源/BBS/lansignbbs/Print.asp?ThreadID=11 RSNA – A Nontechnical Introduction to DICOM /Technology/DICOM/intro/services.cfm Future Work DICOM /PACS DRE ? Thank You ? DICOM PACS Shuying Liang 27th Nov 2007 OutLine DICOM Standard Introduction DICOM Projects Report Future work DICOM The standard for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine.(数字影像传输标准协议) DICOM Overview  产生背景 发展历程 体系结构 涵盖内容 DICOM 标准-文档组成部分 DICOM与PACS 项目实践  DICOM Viewer DICOM Gateway DICOM Overview -1   Why DICOM? 在医学影像信息学的发展和PACS的研究过程中,由于医疗设备生产厂商的不同,造成与各种设备有关的医学图像存储格式、传输方式千差万别,使得医学影像及其相关信息在不同系统、不同应用之间的交换受到严重阻碍。 Intitiated from ACR(美国放射学会)和NEMA(全美电子厂商联合会), developed under joint efforts of ESC, ACC, SFR, DRG, AAO, AAD, CAP,JIRA COCIR…. DICOM标准的推出与实现,大大简化了医学影像信息交换的实现,推动了远程放射学系统、图像管理与通信系统(PACS)的研究与发展,并且由于DICOM的开放性与互联性,使得与其它医学应用系统(HIS、RIS等)的集成成为可能。   DICOM Overview



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