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DOI : 10 . 13959 /j . ssn. 1003 -2398. 2000 . 01. 010 15  1     V o l. 15 , N o. 1  2000 2 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Feb. 2000  : 100 3-239 8 ( 2000) 0 1-0039-04 1 2 1 , , ( 1. ; 2. )  : , ; , ; , , 。 : ; ; G IS : K901. 8 : A  STUDY ON SOCIAL EQUALITY IN URBAN PLANNING 1 2 1 CHEN Q ng-m ng , CHEN Q -n ng , X U J a n-gang ( 1. Department of Geography, Earth China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China; 2. Planning Construction Bureau of Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215021, China) Abstract Fro m the v ew po nt of susta na ble dev elo pment , t he paper a nalyses t he sev eral sty les of soc al equal ty n mo dern urba n plann ng. By bu ld ng the analy s s mo del a nd u s ng the spa- t al ana lys s of GIS, th e pa per nqu res nto the soc al equal t y n urban la nd u se plann ng. All o f the a nalys s m odels are sho w n by t he ex ample of Suzhou Indu str al Park. F nally , so me sho rt co nclus ons a re made. Key Words: urban plann ng; soc al equal t y; GIS spat al analys s [2 ] 。 1  , : “    ( Fa rness) , , , 、 , , , [ 1] 。 , “” , 、 、 : , 、


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