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中山大学旅游学院 旅游管理 专业本科生课程教学大纲 Course Profile for Undergraduates Majoring in TOURISM MANAGEMENT 最近更新:2015年3月/Revision:2015/3 课程编号 Course Code课程名称 Course Name 会展概论 Introduction to Events Management 课程类别 Course Type 专业必修 Compulsory Course 学分 Credits 3 总学时 Total Contact Hours 54 开课学期 Semester 第4学期 4th 授课教师 Lecturer 罗秋菊 Dr. Q. J.LUO 教学助理 Teaching Assistant 李毓、王命盛 一、课程描述 I Course Description 本课程体系与国际相接轨,从大会展的视角出发,介绍其发展背景、概念、类型及发展趋势。主要讲述会展(events)所包含的会议、展览、节庆、体育赛事四部分主体内容,对可衍生出的奖励旅游也有涉及,特别是在国内大型体育事件连续举办背景之下,本课程将体育事件对举办地的形象、经济影响也作为另一重点。 由于会议、展览、节庆、体育赛事的特点和运作机制各异,因此在本课程的安排中,展览注重其策划、客户组织工作,会议注重其营销、服务工作,节庆注重文化内涵及其开发,体育赛事注重经济和社会效应。通过学习主要内容、基本原理和一般方法,学生能将其综合运用于对实际问题的分析。 This course is in line with international practice. It introduces the background, concept, types and tendency of the Grand MICE. It mainly involves four parts: conventions, exhibitions, festivals and sport events, as well as the derivative incentive tours. Since mega sport events are held constantly in China, this course would also focus on their influence on the images and economy of the host city. Since there are differences of features and operation mechanism between conventions, exhibitions, festivals and sport events, there are different focuses on these four parts: planning and customer organization of exhibitions, marketing and services of conventions, cultural meaning and development of festivals and economic and social influence of sport events. Through the study of the basic principle and the normal methods, students could make use of them and analyze practical problems. 二、课程目的与教学要求 II Aims and Objectives 1. 通过本课程的学习,要求学生掌握会展业的基本概念及理论,了解会展国际化、规模化、专业化的发展趋势。 2. 对展览、节庆、赛事活动、会议四种重点类型进行详细阐述,要求学生掌握以上四类的特点、运作机制等方面内容。 3. 要求学生重点掌握展览、会议管理现状及趋势,初步具有理解与解决会展经济与管理中一般问题的能力,能够与实践相结合。 4. 学术与实践作为两条主线,要求学生既可以通过阅读文献培养学术意识,也可以通过分析会展中典型案例指导实践。 5. 要求学生通过学习与掌握主要内容、基本原理和一般方法,为以后学习其它专业课程和从事实际工作奠定基础。 To grasp the basic concepts and theory of convention and exhibition industry, understand development of exhibition;


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