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(申请工学硕士学位论文) 基于地面特征识别的 室内机器人视觉导航 培养单位:物流工程学院 学科专业:机械电子工程 研 究 生:杜 娟 指导教师:李文锋 教授 2006年4月 分类号 密 级 UDC 学校代码 10497 学位论文 中文题目: 基于地面特征识别的室内机器人视觉导航 英文题目: Visual Navigation based on Floor Feature Segmentation for Indoor Mobile Robot 研究生姓名: 杜 娟 指导教师:姓名 李文锋 职称 教 授 学位 博士 单位名称 物流工程学院 邮编 430063 申请学位级别 硕 士 学科专业名称 机械电子工程 论文提交日期 2006.4 论文答辩日期 2006.5 学位授予单位 武汉理工大学 学位授予日期 答辩委员会主席 评阅人 2006年月 机器人导航的主要发展方向。the visual navigation is becoming a main way in robot navigation. The progress made in the last two decades has been on vision-based navigation both for indoor robots and for outdoor robots. One task of the robot navigation is avoiding obstacles. Hence, robots should recognize the drivable and the obstacle areas as they move. With the support of project of National Scientific Fund and project of Excellent Scientist Fund in Hubei, the research on floor segmentation for indoor mobile robot visual navigation is put forward. This paper studies image processing theory, especially the color image segmentation. It puts forward a method of segmenting the scene into drivable and non-drivable areas through analyzing the color information of the input environment images and implements a system of obstacle detection, including the capture, processing, compression, saving and rendering of video images. Through the study of this subject, some results and conclusions are drawn: (1) This paper analyzes the features of corners, borders and color of indoor floor in detail. It also compares the methods of extraction these features. Finally the color feature is chosen as the landmark for visual navigation. (2) This paper does research on color image s


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