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30 1 V o l. 3 0 , N o. 1
2 0 1 1 0 2 MA R INE ENV IRONM ENTA L SC IEN CE February . 2 0 1 1
1, 2 1 2
杨 志 , 赵冬至, 林元烧
( 1. , 116023; 2. , 36 1005
: P SR , P SR
, ,
, P SR , P SR
: PSR ; ;
: X 17 1 : A : 20 11 0 10 13904
The evaluating index sy stem for estuary ecosy stem
safety based on PSR m odel
1, 2 1 2
YANG Zh i , ZHAO Dongzhi , L IN Yuanshao
( 1. N at ional M arine Env ironm en talM on itoring C enter, D al ian 116023, C h ina; 2. Co llege of O ceanography and E nvironm ental Science
of X iam en U n iversity, X iam en 36 1005, C h ina
Ab stract: PSR m odel is an ef ficient model for evaluat ing and m an aging ecosy stem and h as been u sed m ore and more popu lar in the
f ield of ecosy stem assessm en t in recen t y ears. T h is paper in troduced the origin, theories and types of P SR m ode,l as w ell as its appl ica
tion in the f ield of ecosy stem assessm en t, especially the assessm en t of basees tuary and ocean ecosy stem safety, searched for assessing
the estuary ecosy stem safety. Pract icab ility of PSR m odel in th e assessm ent of estuary ecosystem safety w as analyzed. It con structed the
index sy stem of estuary ecosy stem safety assessm ent and pu t forw ard som e prob lem s ab out th is m od el eventually.
K ey word s: PSR m od e;l ecolog ica l safety evaluation; estuary
PSR ( P ressureS tate