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计 算 机 系 统 应 用 2012 年 第 2 1 卷 第 6 期
苏莉文 1,2, 杜 纲 1
1(天津大学 管理学院,天津 300072)
2( 国家质检总局 信息中心,北京 100088)
摘 要:迪伊 ·霍克(Dee Hock) 的 《混序:VISA 与组织的未来形态》让我们知道了还有另外一种组织形式—混
Management Model Based on the Chaordic Organization
SU Li-Wen1,2, DU Gang1
1(Management College, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)
2(Information Centre, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the Republic of China, Beijing 100088, China)
Abstract :Dee Hock’s “One from Many, VISA and the Rise of Chaordic Organization ” let us know another kind of
organization-Chaordic Organization. This paper has gone deep into analyzing and searching on the principles,
characterize and cases in Chaordic Organization, and picked up Chaordic Organization’s essential feature. Therefore this
paper also makes a general define of Chaordic Organization, designs a kind of the state space model of Chaordic
Organization and a coordination relation model among Chaordic Organization’s members, and establishes an
information management model of Chaordic Organization. It would provide a process method and a technical route for
the management of Chaordic Organization, and also a information management’s demonstration frame for other kind
of the complex software system.
Key words :chaordic organization ;system model ;information management
1 引言 联,了解其他成员的需求,并在需要时作为整体不可
混序组织是 VISA 国际的创始人迪伊 ·霍克(Dee 分割的部分彼此合作。VISA 国际的成功充分体现了现
Hock)根据其组织和运作 VISA 国际的经验提出的,他 代混序组织自我组织、自我管理的特点。迪伊 ·霍克
的主要理念是:依据主从关系构建的大金字塔式的组 也因此而被著名的 《Money》杂志评为 25 年来最能改