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包装工程 PACKAGINGENGINEERINGVol.32No.182011.09 46 基于用户调查的彩色笔开发策略研究 谌涛 ,黄薇1 2 (1.上海理工大学,上海 200093;2.浙江工业大学,杭州 310032) 摘要:通过对彩色笔用户的调查,了解用户使用彩色笔的习惯,用户对彩色笔的功能需求、对造型风格的喜好、以及 购买时的行为特点,为中国制笔企业提供彩色笔开发策略和设计方向。本次调查采用文献阅读法、深入访谈法、观 察法和问卷调查法,目标用户包括10~28岁有彩色笔使用经验的用户。经过对调查数据整理、统计和分析,提出彩 色笔开发策略:注重彩色笔的附加功能设计,造型风格符合目标用户喜好,产品色彩系列多样化。 关键词:用户调查;彩色笔;开发策略 中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3563(2011)18-0046-04 Research on the Development Strategy of Color Pens Based on User Inves- tigation 1 2 CHEN Tao ,HUANG Wei (1. University of Shanghai for Science and Technology ,Shanghai 200093 ,China ;2. Zhejiang University of Technology ,Hangzhou 310032 ,China ) Abstract :On the basis of investigation on the color pen users, it made a research on the user habit of using color pens, user desires for the function of color pens, preferences of form style as well as the behavior characteristics to buy color pens, laying foundation and direction for the design of color pens for Chinese pen manufacturers. The methods of documents reading, in-depth interviews, observation and questionnaire have been adopted in this investigation, whose target users including those aged 10~28 who have experience in using color pens. After organization, statistics and analysis of investigation data, it put forward a development strategy of color pens, i.e. emphasizing on the design of additional function of color pens, meeting preferences of target users in terms of form style as well as diversifying the series of product colors. Key words :user investigation ;color pens ;development strategy 我国制笔业经过近几年的快速发展,已成为世界 潜在需求,形成笔产品的差异化竞争,得到自己的市 [1] 场份额和利润空间[4]。彩色笔在笔总产量上占有很大 制笔大国,2009年制笔行业总产量为380亿支 。面对 发展中的机遇与挑战,日益增长的市场竞争,制笔企 份额。笔者选择彩色笔作为研究对象,对彩色笔用户


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