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第42 卷 第 19 期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.42 No.19 2014 年 10 月 1 日 Power System Protection and Control Oct. 1, 2014 计及风险损失的配电设备检修方式选择 霍明雷,刘 艳,杨 林 (华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院,河北 保定 071000) 摘要:针对目前在设备检修方式选择方面未将设备健康指数、检修成本和设备故障损失综合考虑的问题,提出了一种结合设 备状态评价结果,计及检修成本和检修后设备风险损失的检修方式选择决策模型。定义设备风险损失为设备故障损失和设备 故障概率的乘积,设备故障损失由设备资产损失和电网运行损失两部分组成,并给出了各部分的具体计算公式。分析了检修 成本的组成和计算方法以及不同检修方式对设备故障率的影响。最后以检修成本和检修后设备风险损失之和最小为目标,用 量化的方法对配网设备检修方式进行选择,并结合算例给出了某状态下两台变压器检修方式的选择过程,结果表明了所提模 型的有效性。 关键词:配电设备;检修方式;风险损失;故障率;检修成本 Maintenance mode selection of power distribution equipment considering the loss of risk HUO Ming-lei, LIU Yan, YANG Lin (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071000, China) Abstract: As the fact that current equipment maintenance mode selection does not include device health index, maintenance costs and loss of equipment failure, an optimized model considering the above elements for distribution network equipment maintenance mode selection is proposed. The new model defines the loss of risk as the product of the loss and the probability due to equipment failure where the equipment failure loss is consist of equipment asset loss and power loss. The specified calculation formula of each part is given. The composition of maintenance costs, calculation methods and the effects that different maintenance modes have on the equipment failure rates are analyzed. Aiming at the minimum sum of maintenance costs and the risk of loss after repair, a quantified method is employed in selecting the maintenance mode. An example is shown to elaborate the sel


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