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第32 卷第12期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol. 32, No. 12 2 0 1 1 年 12 月 Journal of Northeastern U niversit ( Natural Science) D ec. 2 0 1 1 WLAN 张 振 川 ( , 110819) : ( WLAN) , MA C , . , . NS2 , . , , , . , . : ; ; ; ; : T N 925. 93 : A : 1005-3026( 20 11) 12- 1709-04 An Improved Back-off Algorithm with Node Access Fairness in WLAN ZHAN G Zhen-chuan ( School of Information Science Engineering, Northeastern Universit , Shen ang 110819, China. Corresponding author : ZHA NG Zhen-chuan, E-mail: zhangzhenchuan @ ise. neu. edu. cn) Abstract: In order to obtain greater throughput, smaller packet loss rate and the average dela , research on carrier detection mechanisms, especiall the collision back-off algorithm w hich impact on netw ork performance w as carried out. B anal sis to several traditional algorithms, an improved collision back-off algorithm w ith node access fairness is proposed. With the design and implementation of the improved algorithm using NS2, simulation to WLAN performances was performed. Because that different w indow regulating competition strateg , according to a previous packet monitoring the collision situation, w ere used for sending stations and non-sending stations, the results show ed that the algorithm not onl ensures the fairness of data sending among stations, but also improves the performance of throughput, packet loss rate and packet average dela to some extent. Key words: w ireless local area network( WLAN ) ; medium access control( MAC) ; carrier sense multiple access; back-off algorithm ; fairness IEEE 802. 11 ( WLAN) . ( MAC) . 802. 11 , ( CSMA/ CA) [ 1- 2] . [4- 7] .


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