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任务:你在某进出口公司实习,跟 随公司的销售经理Ms Gan 学习合同相关的业务。 1、将合同的相关内容归档 2、 填制货物销售合同。 3、签订合同。 个人计分表 我获得________分,请选择级别: Super(优): 42分以上 Good(良):33—41分 OK(合格): 28—32分 Work harder:27分以下 2.Body of a contract 正文 Description of goods Quality Quantity Price Packing ShipmentDelivery Terms of payment 任务5:目标:运用英语签约 内容:模拟签约情景 小组分工明确,模拟角色分别要有:买卖双方,仪式主持人,礼仪人员,进行合同签约仪式。 声音响亮,语音语调正确 表达准确 仪态大方 组员配合默契 * * Unit 10 Preamble of Contract 模拟实操 Unit 10 Preamble of a Contract 模拟实操 Establishment of Business Relations 建立客户 Contract/ Confirmation / Order Enquiry询盘 Offer发盘 Counter-offer还盘 Acceptance 接受 Trade negotiation 交易磋商 47 总分 27 任务4 10 任务3 7 任务2 3-21 任务1 得分 总分 任务 任务1:目标:掌握合同内容的单词 内容:合同内容的英语单词: 程序和规则: 1、小组成员轮流摸牌,即时读出单词并说出中文意思, 2、小组成员相互判定对错,对一个得一分,错则由其他成员改正,成员得分,若整组同学都不会,则求助同学、老师或资料,但不得分。 3、所有纸牌被读完时游戏结束。 4、 每人填好得分,看谁得分最高。 three parts of a contract 2.Body of a contract 正文 1.Preamble of a contract 约首 3. Conclusion of the contract 约尾 Major contents of a contract 1)Title of a contract 2) Contract number 3)Date of signing 4)The seller’s and the buyer’s names and addresses 5)Recitals of WHEREAS clauses 1.Preamble of a contract 约首 Insurance Inspection Discrepancy and claim clause Arbitration Force Majeure 3. Conclusion of the contract 约尾 Concluding sentences Signature Seal 任务3:目标:能将约首资料归档 内容: Sales Contract The Buyers: Weston Co., LTD Address: 50 Southland Street Singapore The Sellers: Guangzhou Yimin Trading Co., LTD Address: No. 3 Huangshi Road, Guangzhou, China Contract No. CH/10/908 Date: September 20, 2009 Signed at: Guangzhou This Confirmation is made by and agreed between the BUYER and SELLER, in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below. Signed at Date Contract No. Buyer’s name and add. Seller’s name and add. 2 1 Guangzhou Yimin Trading CO.,LTD No. 3 Huangshi Road, Guangzhou 50 Southland Street Singapore Weston Co.,LTD September 20,2009 Guangzhou CH/10/908 任务4:


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