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樹德科技大學人文社會電子學報 第十一卷第一期 民國一百零四年九月 空巢老人與非空巢老人的社會支持與心理健康之比較研究 Comparison of Social Support and Mental Health between the Empty Nest Elderly and Non Empty Nest Elderly 李新民 樹德科技大學人類性學研究所教授** Hsing-Ming Lee Professor of Department of Child Care and Family Studies Professor, Shu-Te University 摘要 本研究旨在探討空巢老人與非空巢老人的社會支持與心理健康,並釐清空巢老人與 非空巢老人的社會支持與心理健康之間的關聯。研究者以問卷調查404 名高雄市的空巢 與非空巢老人對社會支持、心理健康的認知感受。蒐集所得資料,進行單因子變異數分 析以及結構方程模式的統計分析。統計分析結果發現,空巢老人的社會支持比非空巢老 人差,女性空巢老人的社會支持比男性空巢老人差 ,獨居空巢老人的社會支持比偶居空 巢老人差。空巢老人的心理健康比非空巢老人差,女性空巢老人的心理健康比男性空巢 老人差,獨居空巢老人的心理健康比偶居空巢老人差。空巢老人和非空巢老人的社會支 持與心理健康皆有正面的關聯,其中非空巢老人組的關聯程度比空巢老人組大。根據研 究發現,研究者對空巢老人社會支持、心理健康的提升以及未來研究提出建議。 關鍵詞:心理健康、社會支持、空巢老人、非空巢老人。 23 空巢老人與非空巢老人的社會支持與心理健康之比較研究 ABSTRACT The main purposes of this study were to investigate the social support and mental health of empty nest elderly and non empty nest elderly, and explore the relationship between social support and mental health of empty nest elderly and non empty nest elderly. The data were collected through questionnaires from a sample of 404 empty nest elderly and non empty nest elderly in Kaohsiung city. The obtained data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). Statistical analysis yielded the following results. First, social support and mental health of empty nest elderly was significantly lower than that of non empty nest elderly. Second, social support and mental health of solitary empty nest elderly was significantly lower than that of couple empty nest elderly. Third, social support and mental health of female empty nest elderly was significantly lower than that of male empty nest elderly. Fourth, th


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