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冷却速率和均匀度会影响产品最后的成型,这些影响包括两个主要方面:品质和成本。 * * 根据产品的用途﹐在均匀冷却以保证产品的品质和快速冷却以减小产品的成本之间取一个折中。 * * * * A baffle is actually a cooling channel drilled perpendicular to a main cooling line, with a blade that separates one cooling passage into two semi-circular channels. The coolant flows in one side of the blade from the main cooling line, turns around the tip to the other side of the baffle, then flows back to the main cooling line. A bubbler is similar to a baffle except that the blade is replaced with a small tube. The coolant flows into the bottom of the tube and bubbles out of the top, as does a fountain. The coolant then flows down around the outside of the tube to continue its flow through the cooling channels. The most effective cooling of slender cores is achieved with bubblers. The diameter of both must be adjusted in such a way that the flow resistance in both cross sections is equal. The condition for this is: Inner Diameter / Outer Diameter = 0.707 * A thermal pin is an alternative to baffles and bubblers. It is a sealed cylinder filled with a fluid. The fluid vaporizes as it draws heat from the tool steel and condenses as it releases the heat to the coolant. The heat transfer efficiency of a thermal pin is almost ten times as great as a copper tube. For good heat conduction, avoid an air gap between the thermal pin and the mold, or fill it with a highly conductive sealant. * 塑料成型工艺与模具设计 无技可施,只能做苦工。 技不如人,只能当学徒。 技高一筹,可以为师父。 技压群雄,可以成大师。 第2章 注塑模具基本结构 温控系统概念 1. 冷却系统的类型 2. 冷却水路设计要点 3. 2.5.1 温控系统概念 1)概念: 对模具加热或冷却,将模温控制在合理的范围内。 ——模具冷却介质:水、油、铍铜、空气等; ——模具加热方式:热水,蒸气,热油、电热棒加热等。 2)温控系统的影响 产品品质 表面光洁度 残余应力 结晶度 热弯曲 生产成本 顶出温度 循环时间 冷却影响产品品质 表面光洁度:许多材料需要相对高的模具表面温度,在生产中以获得良好的表面光洁度,如果某些区域与另一些区域的模穴温度不同,那么在成品表面就会看到不同的表面光泽。 残余应力:残余应力是在充填或保压过程中剪切应力的结果。除了流动导致应力外,由于产品表面温度不同,各个部分以不同的速率冷却时也会产生残余应力。这些残余应力可能是产品在使用过程中过早损坏或者产品翘曲和扭曲的原因。为了减小这些应力,就需要均匀的冷却。 结晶度:半结晶材料成型过程中呈现的结晶度受熔体冷却的影响。产品冷却过程中结晶度的不同会影响体积收缩,要保待所需要的尺寸公差是困难的。不同区域体积收缩的显着变化通常是产品翘曲的一个原因。 热弯曲:如果模具的上表面和下表面的温度不同,一旦产


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