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* * 只进行听说训练,不进行读写训练。行吗? 不行! 阅读能力是学生最容易自我巩固和保持的 交际能力 。 听说与读写不是互相矛盾的,而是互相促进的。 如果学生既不会阅读也不会写,接受语言材料只能凭听觉感受、复习巩固所学内容也只能采取听说形式,则口语能力很难提高。 课程的设置 一年级:口语教学,对教学内容的要求是听和说。 二年级:口语教学,对教学内容的要求主要是听和说, 但是对于主要句型和单词要求学生会读(认读)。 三年级:在听说读的基础上,加入写的元素。 四年级:有了三年级抄写的基础,四年级我们可以 让学生写跟他们情感或实际情况有关的对话、小作文等。 五、六年级是听说听先,读写并重跟上的的阶段。 资源的选择和应用 在选择资源的时候,我们一般遵循以下几个原则: 相关性原则 适量性原则 趣味性原则 知识性原则 根据资源的表现形式,资源可以分为: 动画资源(flash 视频) 配图文本资源 文本资源 图片资源 根据教学的目的,我们可以把资源分为以下几个类型: 听读资源 阅读资源 说话资源 听读资源的应用 小学低段一二年级的重点应放在激发学生听读英语 句子的兴趣上,选材以趣味性、情景性、结构相同的 句子动画为主。如动画《Greedy monkey》《snowman》 等,侧重情景对话、歌谣和篇幅短小 (1~2百词以内)的故事。 中高年级资源则要求以故事为主,篇幅应稍大一些 (几百词至上千词),并可涉及一些风土人情、 名人轶事等资料,此外,还可以包括一些专题性听读资源, 如动物、家庭、朋友、节日等等。 April Fool’s Day Mr. Li was in bed and heard the bell ring. He turned on the light and looked at this clock. It was half past twelve. “Who can it be at this time of night?” he thought. He decided to go and find out. So he got out of bed, put on his coat and went to the door. When he opened the door, there was nobody there. “ That’s very strange.” He thought. Then he went back to his bedroom. A few minutes later he heard the bell ring again. Mr. Li jumped out of bed very quickly and ran to the door. He opened it, but again he found no one there. He closed the door and tried not to feel too angry. Then he saw a piece of paper on the floor inside the door. He picked it up. There were some words on it: “It is now after midnight, so it is April 1st. April fool to you!” “Oh, it was the English boy next door!” Mr. Li shouted, and almost smiled. He went back to bed and fell asleep very soon. The bell didn’t ring again. 听读的过程要做到五注意 注意听读选材难易应适当,范围应广泛。 注意培养学生良好的听读习惯。 注意听读时间。 注意听读材料中生词难词的处理。 注意教师的指导作用。 对听读资源的检测 T or F. Mr. Li was reading newspaper when he heard the bell rang. ( ) When Mr. Li opened the door, he saw nobody. ( ) That day was April Fool’s Day. ( ) Answer the questions: Is there a light in Mr. Li’s room? What did he hear w



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