The impact of Land degradation, desertification and :土地退化的影响,荒漠化和.ppt

The impact of Land degradation, desertification and :土地退化的影响,荒漠化和.ppt

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The impact of Land degradation, desertification and :土地退化的影响,荒漠化和

Areas affected by desertification and land degradation Land is a finite resource “Future We Want” Desertification, land degradation and drought 205. We recognize the economic and social significance of good land management, including soil, particularly its contribution to economic growth, biodiversity, sustainable agriculture and food security, eradicating poverty, the empowerment of women, addressing climate change and improving water availability. We stress that desertification, land degradation and drought are challenges of a global dimension and continue to pose serious challenges to the sustainable development of all countries, in particular developing countries. We also stress the particular challenges this poses for Africa, the least developed countries and the landlocked developing countries. In this regard, we express deep concern for the devastating consequences of cyclical drought and famine in Africa, in particular in the Horn of Africa and the Sahel region, and call for urgent action through short-, medium- and long-term measures at all levels. 206. We recognize the need for urgent action to reverse land degradation. In view of this, we will strive to achieve a land-degradation neutral world in the context of sustainable development. This should act to catalyse financial resources from a range of public and private sources. * United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification DLDD = Desertification Land Degradation Drought Impact of Land degradation, desertification and drought on sustainable development of LLDCs NK, NYLO Desertification affects over 40% of total world land area Africa: Two thirds drylands, 73 % is moderately or severely affected Asia: One third is drylands, 71% affected, All Pacific islands states face some sort of land degradation North America proportion of drylands is 74% Five European Union countries are affected Latin America and the Caribbean: one fourth drylands, 75% affected 110 countries have drylands that ar


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