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牛肉安全生产加工全过程质量跟踪与追溯系统研发 昝林森,郑同超,申光磊,王立国,曾祥虎 (西北农林科技大学动物科技学院,杨凌 712100) 摘要:为了适应中国牛肉外贸和出口需要,并为国内牛肉安全消费提供保障,利用Visual Basic 6.0面向对象编程技术和 SQL Server 2000大型关系数据库技术,采用耳标与分割肉号码及对应的EAN/UCC条码技术等动物标识方法,构建牛肉安全生产加工全过程质量跟踪与追溯系统,系统包括信息查询、信息采集、系统设置、帮助和退出等5个主要功能模块。研发了一套适合中国牛肉安全生产的质量跟踪与追溯系统,并在生产上加以应用。本系统结合中国牛肉生产的实际,建立了应对牛肉安全突发事件快捷有效的反应机制,为维护消费者的合法权益、提升牛肉产业品位、促进中国牛肉生产与国际接轨提供了技术支撑。 关键词:牛肉安全;质量跟踪与追溯;信息管理系统 Design and Development of Quality Traceability Information Management System and Safety of the Beef Production’s Entire Processes ZAN Lin-sen, ZHENG Tong-chao, SHEN Guang-lei, WANG Li-guo, ZENG Xiang-hu ( College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, Yangling 712100 ) Abstract: The beef safety traceability information management system was designed and developed for developing safer beef trade, production, and consumption. Quality traceability information management system of the beef production, including cattle raising, slaughtering and beef processing was constructed using Visual Basic6.0 Object-Oriented programming technology and SQL (Structure Query Language) Server 2000 databases technology and animal identification methods, such as the ear tag, division meat numbers and corresponding EAN/UCC code technology. The system guaranteed beef safety and quality. The work team of this system included 5 functional modules: information query, information collection, systemic settings, help and quit. The beef safety traceability information management system, which suits safety beef production in China, was designed and developed and applied. This system can help defend consumer’s legitimate rights and interests and provide technical support for international production of beef safety and the beef world trade in China. Key words: Beef safety; Quality tracing; Information management system 0 引言 【本研究的重要意义】近年来,养牛业在中国畜牧业中异军突起,增长率达到29%;到2001年,中国牛肉在世界牛肉总产量中所占的份额已达到9%,仅次于美国(约20%)和巴西(11%),位居世界第三位[1]。据统计,全国牛类总量1.4亿多头,规模化肉牛养殖场也越来越多,肉牛业已经成为一些


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