The amazing discovery of Cold Fog ... Infinite (冷雾的惊人的发现u2026u2026).pdf

The amazing discovery of Cold Fog ... Infinite (冷雾的惊人的发现u2026u2026).pdf

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The amazing discovery of Cold Fog ... Infinite (冷雾的惊人的发现u2026u2026)

The amazing discovery of Cold Fog Explosions Extracting Intermolecular Bond Energy From Water Peter Graneau, Ph.D. Center for Electromagnetics Research, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115, U S.A. From the PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NEW ENERGY, May 1997 Abstract eth century, but that the shock wave in air hen a small amount of energy was driven by non- from a high voltage capacitor is thermal forces of discharged through a few cubic- W which electrodynam- centimeters of water, a strong explosion ic forces were then results which cannot be explained with considered to be the thermodynamic nor electrodynamic for- most likely. In view of ces. The 90-year history of unusual water our most recent find- arc explosions and their technological applications is reviewed. Three years ago ings, there exists the it was discovered that what explodes is not possibility that cold the liquid water plasma but a quantity of fog explosions also dense cold fog generated in the plasma. contribute to thunder. The paper examines the science of this During the Second phenomenon. World War, Frungel It is concluded that tiny fog droplets con- in Germany mea- tain less intermolecular bond energy, per



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