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中学高一年级英语学科问题案 Book 5 Unit1 Great Scientists 时间:2012.7 制案人:卫晔 审案人:高一英语备课组 教学课题:Warming-up and Pre-reading 课时:2个课时 一.教学目标 A: Let Ss know the topic “Great scientists”. B: Know some important phrases and words: characteristics; put forward;draw a conclusion 二.问题设计 Answers to the quiz: 1.Archimedes, 2.Charles Darwin, 3.Thomas Newcomen, 4. Gregor Mendel, 5.Marie Curie, 6.Thomas Edison, 7.Leonardo da Vinci, 8.Sir Humphrey Davy, 9.Zhang Heng, 10. Stephen Hawking 重点词汇短语 1 . 比较character/characteristic character n.性格,品质 (本身具有的);角色,人物;字体,字符 characteristic n. 特点,特征(区别于其他事物)adj. 典型性的 What you know about him isn’t his real character. 性格 Windy days are characteristic of March. 特征 2. put forward 提出(意见、建议);推荐;提名 【经典例句】 He put forward a better plan.他提出了一个更好的计划It’s an explanation often put forward by our friend. 这是我们的朋友经常做出的解释。Can I put you/your name forward for golf club secretary? 我推荐你(提名让你)担任高尔夫球俱乐部的秘书好吗? 【】与put相关的其他短语put away 放好put on 穿;上演put off 推迟;延期put on weight发福put down写下 put out生产、扑灭put up with… 忍受…… 1. I could not ___________your behavior. 2. Please _________important points when you attend the lecture. 3. The flight has _____________because of the bad weather. 4. It is necessary to ___________some money in case of bad financial situation. 5. The fire was finally _________with the help of the firemen. We’ve had to ___ our wedding ____ until September. ____ your toys ____ in the cupboard when you’ve finished plying. 8. The proposal he _________ at the meeting was so practical that the headmaster immediately expressed his satisfaction. A. put forward B. put away C. put down D. put up 9 The chairman demanded that the meeting _______ until the next week. A. should put off B. be put off C. putting off D. put off 3. conclude v.结束;推断出;决定 We concluded the meeting at 8 o’clock with a prayer. 结束 What do you conclude from these facts? 推断出 We conclude to go out / that we would go out. 决定 短语:conclude sth by do


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