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* 戒菸是需要專業醫療協助的 89%的吸菸者都認為吸菸只是一種個人選擇的生活型態,也因此,大多數人都靠自己的意志力戒菸。 生活型態的定義應該是自願且可以用意志力來改變的。 吸菸絕對不只是個人生活習慣,而是一種非自願的行為模式,嚴格來說,它應該被定義為一種致命的慢性成癮性疾病,所以戒菸者必須藉助專業醫療的協助。 * 謝謝各位的聆聽 永富藥局 藥師 龔建源 * * * 1/Mackay/pp. 98-104, Table A 1/Mackay/pp. 98-104, Table A 1/Mackay/ pp 98-105 * * * 1/Mackay/pp. 98-104, Table A 1/Mackay/pp. 98-104, Table A 1/Mackay/ pp 98-105 * * * 香菸裏有什麼? 香菸讓身體暴露於超過250種有毒物質或致癌化學物之中. 香菸中的丙酮也存在於油漆清除劑中; 丁烷可在打火機液體瓦斯中發現; 砷(砒霜) 也存在於毒螞蟻藥中; 鎘存在於汽車電池中; 一氧化碳存在於汽車的廢氣中; 而甲苯則是工業用溶劑的成分之一. 尼古丁會讓人上癮, 但其本身並沒有致癌性. 吸低焦油,低尼古丁的香菸對健康並沒有什麼幫助. Key Point Tobacco smoke exposes the body to ?250 toxic or carcinogenic chemicals. Background Tobacco and tobacco smoke are known to be carcinogenic in humans.Tobacco smoke contains at least 4000 chemicals, at least 250 of which are toxic or carcinogenic.1 For example, tobacco smoke contains irritants, such as acetone, ammonia, and toluene, found in paint stripper, cleaners, and solvents respectively; toxic heavy metals, such as cadmium, used in car batteries, and arsenic, used in poisons; and carbon monoxide, which is a hazardous component of exhaust fumes.2 Although it is addictive, the nicotine found in tobacco is not a known carcinogen.3 All cigarettes are toxic: the US Surgeon General’s report noted that smoking cigarettes with lower yields of tar and nicotine provides no health benefit.4 References 1. National Toxicology Program. 11th Report on Carcinogens; 2005. Available at: /tobacco/ets. 2. Mackay J, Eriksen M. The Tobacco Atlas. Second Ed. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2006. 3. Harvard Health Letter. May 2005. 4. US Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Smoking. A Report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta, Georgia: Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health; 2004. 4/SGR/p. 25/col2/?2 1/NTP/p. 1/col2/?4,5 2/Mackay/p34/”Deadly Chemicals” 3/


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