九年级U10 SectionA.ppt

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九年级U10 SectionA

U10 be supposed to do sth 应该 (相当于 should/ought to)用来表示劝告 建议 义务,责任 我们应该六点到达这里。 We are supposed to be here at 6 oclock. 否定形式: be not supposed to do sth不应该做某事 孩子们不应该在大街上踢足球。 Children are not supposed to play soccer in the street.√ shake hands 握手 shake-shook-shaken shake hands with sb./shake sb by the hand 与某人握手 我们通常相互握手。 We usually shake handw with each other.√ bow to before sb向某人鞠躬 演讲者向听众鞠躬。 The speaker bowed to/before the listeners.√ be expected to do sth (某人)被期待做某事/应该做某事 be supposed to do sth. 本学期你应该取得好成绩。 Youre expected to get good grades this term. 拓展:expect to do sth. 期待做某事。 She epects to come back next week. expect sb to do sth. 期待某人做某事。 我期望你能尽职尽责。 I expect you to do your duty.√ greet: say hello to sb 我们向她打招呼,说:早上好。 We greeted to her by sayingGood morning. the wrong way: in the wrong way 以错误的方式,错误地 你错误地理解了他。 You understood him in the wrong way.√ arrive vi arrive in+大地点(国家 城市) 史密斯先生和他的朋友们两周前来到了中国。 Mr. Smith and his friends arrived in China two weeks ago. arrive at+小地点(公园 店铺 学校等) 你是什么时候到达车站的? When did you arrive the station? get vt get to+地点名词 我们昨天到达的北京。 We got to Beijing yesterday. get +adv get home/there/here adv 昨天我们早早到家。 We arrived home/got home early yesterday. reach vt reach+地点名词√ at, on and in at 用于时刻前 at six oclock. on 用于星期,日期,某一特定日子或具体某一天的上午,下午和晚上 on Monday on September 10th on the morning of May 1st in 泛指一天的上午,下午和晚上 以及周,季,月,年等较长的时间 in the morning in October in 2012√ make friends (with sb) (和某人)交朋友。 我发现和吉姆交朋友很困难。 I find it difficult to make friendswith Jim.√ funny与fun区别 funny adj 有趣的 滑稽可笑的 (侧重于让人觉得好玩,滑稽可笑。) 这个故事非常滑稽可笑。 The story is very funny. fun 1. adj 有趣的 愉快的 (强调好玩,有趣) 我们过了一个愉快的晚上。 We have a fun night. fun 2. un. 娱乐 乐趣 他们玩的多高兴啊! What fun they have!√ sth happens/happened to sb 昨天戴维出了车祸。 A car accident happened to Dave yesterday. sth happens/happened +time/place 某时/某地发生了某事 刚才我们社区发生了一起事故。 An accident happened in our neighborhood just now. sb happened to do sth.某人碰巧做了某事 昨天我碰巧在街上遇到了我的一个朋友。 I happened to meet a fri


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